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Joint Women’s Island Cricket Anniversary & Francophone Day Competition Begins Next Week

The Vanuatu Cricket Association is pleased to announce that it will be hosting a joint Women’s Island Cricket 11th Anniversary and Francophone Day competition beginning Tuesday 21st of March and concluding Friday 24th of March. The competition will include teams from Erakor, Eratap, Imaki, Ifira, Vila-North and a special guest team hailing from Tanna. The competition was initially to be held on the 8th of March to coincide with International Women’s Day and the Women’s Island Cricket Anniversary date, but was postponed due to the impacts of Tropical Cyclone Judy and Kevin.

Despite the impacts of the twin cyclones, Women’s Island Cricket showcases how resilient we are as an association and nation despite the devastation caused. We also acknowledge former Tanna Chief, Willie Lope, who in collaboration with Social Impact Manager, Mary Estelle-Mahuk, were able to organise for twenty mamas from Tanna to travel to Port Vila for the anniversary competition to highlight the growth of Women’s Island Cricket in Vanuatu and the strides the Vanuatu Cricket Association are making to grow cricket as a sport and break barriers, reinforcing our message that “Cricket I Blong Evriwan”.

Social Impact Manager, Mary Mahuk stated that “Tanna Women’s Island Cricket is growing rapidly and with the spirit they are showing to come and compete in Port Vila, also portrays the rising interest in Tanna, with 16 new clubs introduced to the Tanna competitions this year. This is just impressive. It also portrays the hard work our Women’s Island Cricket office in Tanna are doing to promote Women’s Island Cricket, with the support of the Vanuatu Cricket Association.

“The program is really impacting mamas, specifically their health and the way mothers contribute back to their communities using skills they have developed through our programs. They show how resilient and important their life is to live for their children, husband, families and their communities”.

The Vanuatu Cricket Association would like to thank Team Up (GHD) and other partners for the programs and initiatives they have aided us in carrying out, as they change the lives of these mamas and encourage the participation of women in sport.

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